Golden Retrievers Speak: JJ’s First Birthday!

“Which one is me?” (Note: We have no idea which one he is!)

JJ: I turn one today! I don’t know what that means, exactly – but I keep hearing my humans talk about how they need to get me a present. Presents are good, right? So I guess this first birthday thing must be good. I will just roll with it.

Alanis: Yes, give them the satisfaction of showering us with gifts and treats on days that are no different to us than yesterday was.

One of my first days after arriving in my new home…

JJ: I guess I have seven brothers and sisters who also “turn one” tomorrow. I wonder if they are getting presents and treats.

Alanis: It is like The Twilight Zone, dude. You are celebrating the same day as seven other dogs who probably look just like you but are in different houses. They likely do the same types of things you do (oh, the humanity!), have the same amount of energy, but live completely different lives. Maybe they will get more presents than you. Maybe less. But just like you, they have no idea what it means anyway.

My first snowstorm….will there ever be more?

JJ: Spooky. I guess my first trip around the sun has worked out well for me.

Alanis: We live in New Jersey. There is no such thing as a “sun” in New Jersey.

JJ: What is the sun, anyway?

Alanis: Who cares? Today is your first birthday – what do you plan on doing to celebrate it?

The face that can get away with anything…

JJ: Eat. Sleep. Go for a walk. Eat again. Play. Sleep. Play. Sleep. Maybe if I am lucky, I will get to go for a ride somewhere. I will probably throw up in the car, but I still love to go.

Alanis: Please get over this “sensitive stomach in the car” thing. It makes me nervous. And nauseous. You are turning one of the happiest things I do into something quite unpleasant.

My first ever trip to the beach! I (obviously) loved it…

JJ: Hopefully I grow out of it. Can I have a birthday party and invite all the friends I have met on walks?

Alanis: Sure, go right ahead Mr. Friendly Invite them into the backyard so you can all eat acorns. Invite them into the house and jump on (and over) the tables, and knock everything off the countertops. While you are at it, go crazy and break Daddy’s phone.

JJ: I did that on a walk yesterday! His phone was in his pocket, but that is meaningless when it comes to JJ! I jumped up, hit his pocket, and boom! Broken iPhone on the road! That was so funny.

Alanis: Yeah, I am sure it was. Is there anything you will not destroy in your lifetime?

Car rides sometimes make me sick, but I love to use Alanis as my personal pillow…

JJ: Gosh, I hope not.

Alanis: I have grown to love this little tornado, I must admit. When it is time for him to come out of his crate for playtime or for his walk or to eat, I often run to his crate and get excited to see him come out. I am not sure why, since all he does is eventually torment me, but I love it. The conclusion has been reached that I am happiest when I am not an “only” dog. I need that interaction with other dogs to reach my maximum state of happiness.

JJ: Oh, shut up. Nobody wants to read your life story drivel on MY BIRTHDAY! That’s right, MY BIRTHDAY! No gifts for you. No treats for you. If they go for a ride, they take me – NOT YOU! This is all about JJ! My day!

Alanis: It doesn’t matter what day it is – you always think it is about JJ and nobody else.

JJ: And, what’s your point? If they are going to celebrate a random date I don’t care about and center it around me, you think I am going to complain about that?

Yep, this is me! Look how much I have grown over the course of only a few months…..

Alanis: You will repay them for whatever this celebration is by breaking a coffee mug or knocking over the Christmas decorations. Because, at the end of the day, that is the life of JJ.

JJ: But I am so cute!

Alanis: That is why everyone laughs at you at the end of the day – how can such a cute dog be so naughty and mischievous?

JJ: Because I am a Golden Retriever!

Alanis: Yes. Have a wonderful first whatever this is, my brother. I hope you have many more random, meaningless celebrations in your future that are filled with things you get everyday anyway. Be sure to enjoy it like you do every other day, because that is what we do regardless. Who exactly is this “birthday” for, anyway?

JJ: You already know the answer to that.

Alanis is known for her cuddling – she cuddled with Josh, and mostly cuddled with Jeter. So far, I haven’t been much of a cuddler…but a few nights ago, I had a “moment”.

Me: I can’t believe our once little puppy is already celebrating his first birthday. He is no longer that awkward youngster – he is morphing into an adult, even though the likelihood is high that we have a Golden Retriever who is never going to escape puppyhood. He is the Golden Retriever you read about in books and see videos of on Youtube. If you think you have “JJ proofed” a room, he will find a way to show you that you weren’t even close to getting it right. Leave a paper towel on the counter? That is his cue for “that must be a toy for me!” Leave your hat on the floor as you try to work out? In his world, anything that isn’t attached to you (and in some cases, even if it is attached to you) is automatically his. I learned the hard way today that even securing your cell phone in your jacket pocket is not a safe haven for JJ, and now I have a cracked screen to prove it. Anyone have a Verizon gift card they can lend me? I jest. Or maybe I don’t. JJ simply struck again like only JJ could.

If you have a dog like JJ, you may sometimes feel frustrated when he obeys your “Leave it!” command nine straight times, only to grab the object on his tenth effort. Just remember that the dog is young and goes through phases just like human children do. Often, an obedient puppy can become a dog that needs a lot of reinforcement because their brains are growing and they start developing their own sense of independence. We didn’t go through that with Jeter – he kept all his obedience as he went through phases. JJ won’t be like that. We know it. It is obvious. It needs to be reinforced. We work on some of that in class but it is mostly something you need to do at home. I feel as if I am mentally prepared for the next phase of JJ.

JJ is a fun dog. When the day is over, you can’t help but go to bed with a smirk on your face over something that may have made you frown only hours before. My phone incident is a perfect example of that. When it happened on the walk, instead dread. As I type up this blog post, I can’t help but laugh to myself about how something I thought I was being careful with became another JJ casualty.

We will indeed celebrate his big day, though with Christmas only three days away, he ends up in the unfortunate spot of having his birthday only a few days before a big holiday. Oh well. He gets pampered every day, anyway.

If you have one of the other dogs from JJ’s litter, hopefully you are enjoying your dog as much as we are ours. Hopefully you have found your own ways to channel his energy into something (mostly) positive and that he has learned many things on his journey. JJ actually is a great walker. He heals nicely, and can heal on either side of me. He doesn’t pull on his leash at all. I am able to guide him with only rare resistance (there is one particular block he doesn’t like walking down for whatever the reason, but I just work with him on that!) This crazy dog who seemingly has no boundaries is a relatively calm, cool, and collected walker. He has no issues with dogs walking past him. He often ignores dogs that are in backyards barking at him as well.

In his second year on the planet, we have goals for JJ: More time out of his crate. More freedom in the backyard (I still have to go out with him to make sure he doesn’t get into anything that can potentially harm him – he still likes to put things in his mouth that perhaps he shouldn’t). Continue to work with him on his obedience and his tricks. Continue to find the things that keep him happy and occupied. He is a worker in every sense of the word, and there is no doubt that some of his naughtiness can be tied into “I want to do something, so let me do this!”

Hopefully you are all enjoying your holiday season!